15 January 2012

Unisa Press

Please take some time to read the information below.
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A Application to publish

An application form, obtainable from Unisa Press, must be completed and submitted to the above office, preferably before 15 February; or see the online version at http://www.unisa.ac.za/dept/press/appformf.html
Such an application will be considered by the Publications Committee with a view to possible publication in the following calendar year.
Late applications will be considered by the Publications Committee with due regard to available funds and to the publishing schedule of Unisa Press.
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In his/her application, an author furnishes a date on which he/she agrees to submit the manuscript. A request for an extension of time will be considered by the Publications Committee, for a maximum of two periods of three months each, after which the Committee will decide whether such an author is required to renew his/her application for publication. Authors should set themselves a realistic date, thus making it possible for them to keep to it.
B Copyright
If the intended publication is an adapted thesis, in accordance with University regulations PG18 and PG23 (see Annexure A appended hereto) the author must obtain the necessary approval for publication from the Chairman of Senate, via the Department of Postgraduate Student Affairs. Proof of this consent, as well as a written statement by the author’s promoter recommending publication, must be handed in to Unisa Press before the Publications Committee will finally approve publication.
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The author must also cede full copyright of his work to Unisa. (Refer to F1 Contract in these Guidelines.)
C Procedure when submitting a manuscript

Should there be any changes to the language and/or the title of the proposed manuscript after the application has been submitted and accepted, you are kindly requested to inform the Head, Unisa Press, in writing without delay.
If a work is intended to be a prescribed work for Unisa students after publication, it is essential that the final manuscript be submitted to Unisa Press at least seven months before the book is required as a prescribed work.
An author/editor is responsible for reading and approving the translation of his/her manuscript before it is submitted to Unisa Press. Remuneration for the translation of the work will only be paid once the translation has been approved.
It is the author’s responsibility, prior to submission of the final manuscript, to make a copy for his/her own use.
The Publications Committee determines the order of priority in which approved manuscripts will be published. Unisa Press is committed to this publishing schedule as far as it is practicable, unless the schedule is altered as a result of unforseen circumstances.
The professional staff of the publication section of Unisa Press will consult with the author on the design of the cover. The Head, Unisa Press, will take the final decision in this regard.
D Technical requirements with which a manuscript must comply

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Only in exceptional cases will final masters of a manuscript prepared by an author or editor be accepted for publication. Further information regarding the requirements for this may be obtained from the Head, Unisa Press.
E Appraisal

Manuscripts which are submitted for publication will be subject to appraisal by anonymous referees. Authors also remain anonymous to referees. Authors will be required to consider the changes recommended by the referees, with a view to amendments, before Unisa Press will finally consider the manuscript for publication.
While a manuscript which has been appraised and approved for publication awaits its turn to be processed, an author may take it back for essential updating and revision, with the approval of the Publications Committee. Amendments must be typed on disk. The author/editor has to make the same amendments to the translation of his/her manuscript.
F Contract
When, after appraisal, the Publications Committee has finally committed itself to publishing the manuscript, a contract is concluded between the author and the University concerning the publication of his/her work. In this it is stipulated, inter alia, that the author cedes complete copyright in his/her work to Unisa. The contract can be studied at the offices of Unisa Press.
G Proofs

As author’s corrections to proofs are costly, the Publications Committee has decided that an author will be responsible for the cost of author’s corrections which exceed 10% of the total typesetting costs, and that such an amount will have to be paid by him/her. It is thus extremely important that an author should thoroughly edit his/her manuscript prior to final submission. Should an author still feel hesitant about the quality of the language and style of his manuscript, this should be brought to the attention of the Head, Unisa Press, when the manuscript is submitted.
It will be the author’s responsibility to proofread first proofs and page proofs. The staff members of Unisa Press will also proofread the manuscript as a control measure. Amendments suggested by an editorial officer may be considered and deliberated by the author before finality is reached.
Authors are expected not to cause unnecessary delays when reading proofs. For its part, Unisa Press undertakes to provide its fullest cooperation in meeting the publication schedule.
H Promotion / Publicity

Unisa Press endeavours to achieve the most effective promotion of a published work. In this regard the departmental liaises with the author to ensure that all target areas are exploited.
I General

Authors are urgently requested to refrain from contacting or negotiating directly with the companies involved with different aspects of the production of the book.
An author whose manuscript is published under supervision of the Publications Committee will receive ten (10) free copies of his/her work after publication. In the case of co-authors, the number of free copies will be determined by the contract. The author(s) may, however, purchase further copies at a discount of 30%.
Approximately every six months after the publication of the work an author will receive an author’s report specifying sales and other complimentary copies issued during that period. When, at a later date, a royalty is due according to Unisa’s policy (after recovery of all expenses by Unisa), the author’s report will also contain details of all royalties owing. The reports are audited before being forwarded.


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