After a hunger season
Children smile their bile away
Wittily they spread their burly piled bodies on the tiled floor
Gaily they pat and dance dangling bums
And with their lumped bodies, life is pretty
Blinking seasons of nature
That shades at will, all textures sadness and joy
From boiling to frying sweet potatoes their mothers
Are to chose
Choice are scattered across time
Seasons take turns to unveil nature
Brother and sisters turn to each other’s arms
In glorious pleasure
As left over scatter on dinner table
By Alfred Tembo
Short Biography
Alfred Tembo is a young African creative writer, grew up in Zimbabwe and Zambia.
His literary works have been published in Zimbabwe and Zambia. In
Motto Magazine, The Zambian Sunday Times, The Sun, The Business Express, Poetry Bulawayo website (Zimbabwe) among other publications.
He participated and organized public readings in Gweru and Bulawayo (Zimbabwe), Chipata, Lusaka and Chingola (Zambia)
On commissioned work several of his works have been used on gift card.
He is currently with the Gweru Memorial Library-US Advising Education Centre where he is serving as a writer and residence. ]
Submitted by :Sechaba Keketsi. Phone:+266 6337 3926 . Blog: